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Point-of-Dispensing Exercise
The Hays County Office of Emergency Services and the Hays County Local Health Department collaborate annually with area first responders on a Point-of-Dispensing exercise. The goal is to practice dispensing medication needed after a biological incident. For example, if Anthrax were dispersed in Hays County, first responders would establish a dispensing location where residents could drive to and receive antibiotics or other medication. We aim to practice this type of exercise to be prepared for a real-world situation.
Community Involvement
We count on members of the public to assist us with this training exercise. During the training, we ask community residents to arrive at the designated location and aid in practicing how efficiently we can dispense the medication (in this case, it's just candy). It only takes about an hour and you will get Skittles and Starburst as the "medicine" during the exercise. You may bring along a few friends or family members in your vehicle. We just ask that you RSVP in advance so we have an idea of how many people are attending.
The 2022 POD exercise takes place November 21 from 10-11 a.m.
at Lehman High School in Kyle.
To RSVP for the 2022 training, use this QR code or click this link. By letting us know how many people will attend, we can be better prepared.