We have received many comments regarding the pre-registration process for 1st dose vaccines.
Due to the extremely high amount of 1a & 1b residents in Hays County, the original sign up portals were filling up fast (within minutes) and causing issues since too many people (about 30,000) were accessing it at one given time. This is simply technology; it will become overloaded if too many people are on it. To remedy this situation, we implemented a wait list, as requested by our citizens.
This is the pre-registration list found on www.haysinformed.com/covid-19
Once you fill out the form and it says "Thank you for pre-registering for Hays County Vaccines", be patient. It has been sent to us. These forms populate our database that we use to send out confirmation emails with appointment times when it is your turn. You will not automatically get a confirmation email. To be clear: We do not discriminate- we do not schedule appointment times by age, race, gender or health issues; we simply go down the list of qualified 1a and 1b citizens. Bear in mind, there are about 40,000 1a and 1b registrations and we are only getting 1950 doses each week. We suggest you talk to your primary care provider to see if you can get a dose from them more quickly. As time passes, more locations (pharmacies, private health care providers, etc.) will be given doses by the CDC and this will allow this whole process to be a bit more expedited.
We are constantly sending out emails, reminders, and making calls to those whom have appointments to let them know about any changes. Please keep an eye on your spam/junk box to ensure they are not going to this location instead of your inbox. Additionally, you can check our website at www.haysinformed.com, the main county website at www.Hayscountytx.com, or text COVID to 844-928-3213 for automatic text updates on vaccine news.
***IF you receive a dose at another location and you know you registered with Hays County, please send us an email with the subject "PLEASE REMOVE ME FROM PRE-REGISTRATION" with your first and last name, email address, and phone number to oes@co.hays.tx.us to let us know so we can take you off of our list and give your dose to someone else.
***Please know, we aim to improve this entire sign up process. We have not been faced with this type of situation and are doing the best we can with what resources are available to us. Our limited staff is working around the clock to get as many vaccines to our citizens as we can as well as 2nd doses.
Thank you for your cooperation and patience during these challenging times.